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The ultimate guide to planning your retirement

Everything you need to know about securing a comfortable retirement, from making sure you save enough to drawing income tax-efficiently
The ultimate guide to planning your retirementPublished on October 29, 2024
  • How to plan for retirement, step by step
  • We look at how much to save and how to make the most of it
  • What is the best investment strategy for your pension?

Retiring is synonymous with many lovely things: spending more time with your family, travelling, volunteering, finally dedicating yourself to a much neglected hobby. But the financial side of the equation can feel daunting – there is so much to consider, and human beings are notoriously bad at picturing the future that far in advance.

Investors’ Chronicle has an ever-expanding collection of guides and articles to help you plan for your retirement and make the most of your pension investments. Find everything you need to know here:

How much do you need to save for retirement?

First, the most important and perhaps hardest question: how much do you need? From inflation to care costs, we discuss the issues that could make your retirement more expensive than you think, and how much you need to worry about them.

How to retire early 

Most of us won’t be able to retire before they are well into their 50s. But stopping work some years before reaching the state pension age is an attainable goal – as long as you are well prepared for it.

How to make the most of your pension savings 

Next, we consider how to get your investment strategy right and avoid financial planning mistakes, so that your pension savings work as hard as possible for you. 

How to prepare your pension for retirement

As your retirement date draws near, you might need to reduce risk on your pension investments. But depending on how you want to take your income and when, different strategies might be suitable for you.

How to be more tax-efficient in retirement

While pensions are key for retirement planning, you can supplement yours by taking money from other accounts, to make your pension income extra tax-efficient.

Five rules to follow when drawing your pension

The dos and don’ts of pension drawdown, all in one place.

How to boost your pension if you're self-employed 

Freelancers and people who run their own business often have irregular incomes and find it difficult to consistently contribute to their pensions. And yet, they deserve a comfortable retirement just like everyone else. This is how you can build a sizeable pot on an irregular income.