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A technology stock gaining momentum

A global leader in technology used to track maritime vessels has returned to profit and should see earnings surge as a bumper £334mn order book is delivered
A technology stock gaining momentumPublished on January 16, 2025
  • First-half revenue up from £5.5mn to £25.5mn
  • Pre-tax profit of £2.5mn, up from a loss of £4.6mn
  • Four new contracts signed worth £182mn
  • £334mn active order book
  • £1.2bn pipeline of contract opportunities

Aim-traded SRT Marine Systems (SRT:48.5p), a global leader in technology used to track maritime vessels, has announced a return to profit and released a strong trading outlook.

In the six months to 31 December 2024, SRT’s systems business, which provides a sophisticated marine domain awareness (MDA) integrated AI-driven maritime surveillance system to sovereign agencies such as coast guards and fishing agencies, generated revenue of £21mn. This was derived from follow-on and recurring projects with three existing customers, as well as initial milestones on a significant £170mn contract signed in October 2024 that is delivering an integrated maritime surveillance system for the Kuwait government (‘A marine technology company building momentum’, 7 October 2024).

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