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The price of missing the China rally

Ex-China funds look healthier than we might expect
The price of missing the China rallyPublished on October 17, 2024

The recent unleashing of Chinese monetary stimulus has done huge favours for a stock market that has proved pretty dicey in recent years, and the knock-on effect for funds is pretty apparent. 

To take a name from our Top 50 ETFs list, the Franklin FTSE China ETF (FRCH) is up by nearly a quarter for 2024 so far, despite having in recent days given up some of the huge gains made on the news of the stimulus in early October. Elsewhere, a popular China play that has struggled in recent years, the KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF (KWBP), is up by even more.

Investors taking a broader form of exposure via the likes of the iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI ETF (EMIM) have also felt the benefits, making a return of 12.3 per cent in sterling terms.

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