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Scottish Mortgage and investing in growth

Risk-on investing strategies for a risk-on world
Scottish Mortgage and investing in growthPublished on November 26, 2024
  • Asian small-caps beating larger stocks but what about liquidity? 
  • What premium to demand from SMT's mega growth plays? 

The re-election of Donald Trump to the office of President of the United States isn’t so much a ripping up of globally accepted norms, it is more a wake up call that there was far from an acceptable consensus on the terms of trade, technology transfer and energy policy. The likely ramping up of trade friction and the knock-on effects of trade tariffs are something investors must factor into their decision-making. This includes allowing for an adequate risk premium when investing in both emerging markets and technology.

Growth is the theme of this month’s investment trust report, with one of our two featured trusts, abrdn Asia Focus (AAS) targeting dynamic industries and small cap companies well placed within them. The other trust,  perhaps the most famous on the London market, Scottish Mortgage (SMT) has built its reputation on finding the most exciting technology-led businesses for the decades ahead. 

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