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The best Isas and pensions to buy overseas shares

Investors should compare dealing charges and foreign exchange fees when choosing a platform to invest internationally
The best Isas and pensions to buy overseas sharesPublished on September 10, 2024
  • International trading fees vary depending on markets and platforms
  • Expensive foreign exchange fees can ramp up costs 
  • Portfolio composition will influence which platform is the best fit for you 

The allure of the Magnificent Seven, together with the broader performance of global equities in recent years, has been enough to turn the head of even the most patriotic investor. Adding international stocks to your portfolio can help you to diversify, as well as granting you greater exposure to sectors such as technology.

However, there are extra costs associated with buying and selling international shares. If you enjoy stockpicking outside of the UK market, you should take them into account when choosing the right platform for your portfolio. 

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