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Diversify, diversify, diversify 17 September 2020

Our free webinar on how to best diversify your portfolio in these uncertain times.
Diversify, diversify, diversify 17 September 2020Published on August 18, 2020

The market damage wreaked by the coronavirus threat has delivered a profound reminder of why diversifying your portfolio is so important - a decade of loose monetary policy has lifted asset prices across the board, but suddenly equities no longer feel like a one way road to riches. This seminar will help investors look past any short-term fears to identify the right combination of assets that can help deliver steady returns over the long term.

Join editor John Hughman, education editor Megan Boxall and deputy personal finance editor David Baxter with guests Jeremy Naylor of IG and Stefan Gries of Blackrock to hear how to best diversify your risk.