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IC Interviews webinar: The big tech trajectory for investors: US vs the world

Our expert panel share their insight on the best holdings, tech sectors and signs of top contributors for the next decade to come
IC Interviews webinar: The big tech trajectory for investors: US vs the worldPublished on November 23, 2021

1 December | 2pm GMT

As the world moves towards deskless workforces, till-less supermarkets and more cloud infrastructure than ever, it is to no surprise that digital transformation has accelerated and new innovations are emerging faster than ever before. With these new players has come greater opportunities for investors to profit from the tech boom. At the centre of this innovation are a number of companies from the renowned Silicon Valley, where some of the largest technologies were born. Although America is leading in growth potential within the tech sphere, is this due to continue or are other regions showing initial signs of opportunity for investors?

Join us for this one hour webinar as our expert panel of commentators and fund managers share their insight on the best holdings, tech sectors, and signs of top contributors for the next decade to come.

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