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Investors Chronicle/Financial Times Celebration of Investment Awards

Submit your entries for the best operators in the world of investment and financial services
Investors Chronicle/Financial Times Celebration of Investment AwardsPublished on August 15, 2021

Our new awards are designed to celebrate the investment industry at its best. We want to recognise the fund managers, stockbrokers, platforms and advisers who stand out from their peers for their positive contribution to society, whether that is delivering strong performance, increasing diversity, good ethical practice, or excellent customer service.

As a retail investor, you can nominate your choice for which companies go above and beyond to provide the best service for investors here

Companies can submit entries themselves here. 

Winners will be announced on 25th November 2021.

Four of the awards focus on ESG (Governance, Community, Protecting the Planet, Innovation) and six focus on private investors (New Investor, Tax Planning, Pension Support – drawdown, Pension Support – Sipp, Shareholder Support – research and data, Shareholder Support – access to companies). 

You can read about the criteria for these awards at

There will also be one overall "Best for ESG" winner, and one overall "Best for Private Investors" winner.

Companies can nominate themselves, or they can be nominated by customers and/or IC and FT readers.

The submissions and nominations will be required to demonstrate how the company has displayed the qualities required for entry.

The judging panel will meet on 9 September to assess the entries and select the winners. 

Closing date for entries 27th August.