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IC Top Rated Webinar Series: Get started in investing

Find out the top rated platforms and brokers, as voted for by you
IC Top Rated Webinar Series: Get started in investingPublished on April 14, 2021

In the first instalment of the IC Top Rated webinar series, sponsored by AJ Bell Youinvest , we will reveal the UK's best platforms and brokers, as voted for by our readers.

Hear from our experts as they dish out tips on how to get started in investing based on your individual objectives and risk appetite. With a focus on small and growing portfolios, we'll explore some of the cheapest and most effective platforms, ISA options, apps and robo-advisers on the market .Investors’ Chronicle's first Top Rated event of 2021 will reveal the UK's best platforms and brokers, as voted for by our readers.



Find out more with the help of our expert guides and articles in the links below

Get started in investing (all free to read)

The IC guide to getting started in investing

Stocks and shares ISAs: The Best DIY platforms

The IC guide to asset classes 

Young professionals - asset allocation model for getting started in investing

Struggling savers - make your money go further with our model asset allocation

7 steps to becoming a better investor 


Understand your investment platform options

Beware the compounding effects of fees

How to smooth the platform switching process 

Is Hargreaves the best platform? 

Beware the hazards of social media 

Stockpickers platform problem

Platform service creaks with customer surge


Your questions, answered 

Is it prudent to have all your funds, ISAs, Sipps, etc. invested on one platform or is it better to use more that one platform?

Megan Boxall says, “There is no right or wrong answer to this. If you are comfortable with one platform then there is no problem with having all your accounts in the same one. But if your demands are different for your ISA and your Sipp, it doesn’t hurt to have more than one. For example, if you want to take a more hands on approach to the money in your ISA, but you’re happy to leave your Sipp to do the work for you over a long term, two different platforms might be sensible.”

Further Reading:

ISA vs Sipp

Should I wait for markets to go down before I start investing, or is it safer to invest while prices are going up?

Mary McDougall says, “It’s really difficult to time market the market so I wouldn’t try. Generally with stock market investing, you should have a time horizon of at least five years. You can always drip feed money in to smooth out volatility.”

Megan Boxall says, “You might be waiting a long time for the markets to fall. Or it could happen tomorrow! There is no way of timing the markets. If you’re ready to get investing, it’s best to go for it. But make sure you don’t put all your eggs in one basket (just in case the fall comes soon)”

Further Reading: 

How to drip-feed money into distressed markets

The IC guide to market behaviour 

What would you have done differently if you were to invest for the first time again?

Mary McDougall says, “I would have started sooner and bought a tracker fund! They are a great way to get low cost market access, and to start the investment journey.”

Megan Boxall says, “When I first invested I set up a General Investment Account and had to transfer it to an ISA once I realised my mistake - it wasn’t too difficult but a bit of a faff which I would have liked to avoid! I also only picked one fund (a UK income tracker which performed spectacularly badly) I should have looked to the US and other international markets sooner”

Further Reading:

3 Cardinal rules of investing

Supercharge your Isa

There is speculation that the S&P 500 index fund is grossly over valued, what other funds do you believe are also over valued and shouldn’t invest much in?

Megan Boxall says, “The index might be overvalued but it is still well diversified. For those with a long term investment goal, tracking the S&P 500 isn’t a bad option. There are areas of the market that it’s worth being wary of though - ESG, Bitcoin and loss making apps, for example.”

Further Reading:

Are global stock markets in a bubble?