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Stockpicking after the sell-off

Hosted by Investors' Chronicle in partnership with the Brunner Investment Trust, join our panel of financial experts on 29 June, 11am BST for this one-hour webinar as they provide insights into effective investment practices and selective strategies for investing in today's climate.
Stockpicking after the sell-offPublished on May 25, 2023

Last year was particularly challenging for investors with mounting inflation, rising interest rates and the threat of a global recession creating a difficult investment environment. Nevertheless, current market conditions may offer hope for investors in 2023, with inflation levelling out and concerns over a deep recession easing.

Against this backdrop, investors may wonder: how can they adapt their strategies to optimise their portfolios for shifting market conditions? Where do the interesting opportunities lie after last year’s sell-off and which regions or sectors look the most promising in a rising interest rate environment?

Join us on 29 June by registering here: