- A handful of funds focus on owning a basket of investment trusts
- Which names stand out?
Wide investment trust discounts have not gone away nor have a lot of the risks. Mergers and strategic reviews are rife, volatility remains, and activist investors continue to lurk on shareholder registers. Therefore, closed ended funds remain a choice for the more sophisticated and adventurous investor with time to do the proper research.
However, those who want to own trusts without the risk and hassle of picking individual ones can get more diversified exposure via a handful of fund-of-funds, some of which are trusts themselves. Names such as Migo Opportunities (MIGO), Unicorn Mastertrust (GB0031218018) and the Jupiter Fund of Investment Trusts (GB00B6R1VR15) operate in such a way while there are others which at least partly own closed-ended funds. We take a look and see how good the options are.