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Shares I love: Softcat

This IT company proves growth opportunities exist in the UK market, says Abrdn’s Rebecca Maclean
Shares I love: SoftcatPublished on December 9, 2024
  • Softcat benefits from growing business IT spend, says Maclean
  • The company’s culture stands out, she adds

Rebecca Maclean, co-manager of abrdn UK Sustainable and Responsible Investment Equity Fund (GB00B131GD17) and Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust (DIG), explains why her funds invest in Softcat (SCT):

If you believe the UK market lacks growth and opportunities to invest in innovative technology, think again. Softcat stands out as a compelling investment option for those seeking underappreciated quality and resilient growth. This technology value-added reseller specialises in IT hardware, software and services, serving more than 10,000 small and mid-sized businesses across the UK.

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