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The ETFs tapping into exciting investment trends

While also covering everything vanilla, the ETF space is also home to plenty of niche and exotic funds
The ETFs tapping into exciting investment trendsPublished on July 12, 2024
  • From semiconductor ETFs to defense funds, plenty of names stand out
  • We outline the options, as well as the risks to look out for

“Just buy a tracker” is a common refrain in investing, and those following this mantra have often done well to keep things simple. That typically means backing established, widely followed markets such as the S&P 500, investing regularly and resisting the temptation to tinker too much with a portfolio.

The latest Investors' Chronicle Top 50 ETFs list, published this week, caters to such a mentality. Its main focus is on what we dub "core" holdings, those such as MSCI World and FTSE 100 trackers that cover the best-known stock markets. The list is predominantly focused on these more vanilla funds rather than anything especially esoteric.

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