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Two shares looking positively to the future

Phil Oakley reviews a global asset management titan and an Aim-listed media stock.
Two shares looking positively to the futurePublished on October 10, 2024
  • Blackrock is a play on global asset markets.
  • LBG Media gives cause for optimism but with caution.

Like all money managers, Blackrock (US:BLK) is a geared play on the value of financial markets. However, it is arguably one of the most reassuring shares to own in this space. Its focus on new growth markets is an added attraction.

Its scale and brand strength is a major competitive advantage, while the resilience of its profit margins through the ups and downs of markets should help investors sleep more soundly. The shares come with a high valuation attached to them but not one that could be considered excessive given the quality of the underlying business.

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