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Stockpicking for success in turbulent times

How can investors’ maintain sight of broader macroeconomic factors while pursuing a bottom up stock picking approach? Join us for this 50-minute webinar to find out more.
Stockpicking for success in turbulent timesPublished on July 21, 2022

2022 was meant to be the year when the world learnt to live with Covid, economies returned to full health and stock markets responded accordingly. But fears of recession soon replaced hopes of recovery as disrupted supply chains, worker shortages, a war, and soaring energy prices induced a nasty bout of inflation, a reversal of previous loose monetary policies and some of the biggest share price falls in recent decades.


It’s been a perfect storm of challenges, and they are not over yet. In the middle of such economic turbulence and market volatility, how can investors ensure their portfolios continue to perform?


In this 50 minute webinar, our panel of financial experts will share their top tips for investing in a climate of change. What regions and sectors have shown strong fundamentals and where do the greatest risks lie? Which companies have the greatest pricing power? When battling uncertainty, does it make more sense to double down on the ‘best ideas’ or increase diversification? How can investors’ maintain sight of broader macroeconomic factors while pursuing a bottom up stock picking approach? 


Join us for an informed discussion on the hallmarks of quality companies and other key factors investors need to consider.

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