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Women's Investment Club 12 November 2020

Women's Investment Club live webinar - How to safeguard your finances against life-changing shocks
Women's Investment Club 12 November 2020Published on November 5, 2020

Investors Chronicle presents a new series of events focused on equipping women with information around investing and financial planning. Each briefing will focus on a particular theme and topics will include why and how to get started in investing, how to build a pension big enough for the lifestyle you want and tackling costly family problems such as paying for care for elderly relatives. The 1 hour online briefings, will feature insights and investment ideas from Investors Chronicle journalists and investment managers. Attendees will get the opportunity to quiz our experts on the financial matters which are important to them in an intimate and friendly setting.

This edition of the Women's Investment Club (WIC) will cover:

- How to safeguard your finances against life-changing shocks

- Dealing with money issues resulting from divorce, death and dementia

- Ask our experts questions specific to your personal experiences.





Previous Women's Investment Club webinars: