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How to save tax when selling your business

Following Labour's Budget, Selling and passing on your business will attract higher taxes
How to save tax when selling your businessPublished on November 18, 2024
  • Gifting is the main option to reduce IHT
  • But it won’t work for everyone
  • Capital gains tax increases will drive some to exit their business sooner

Businesses were in the crosshairs in last month's Budget, most visibly through the increase to employer national insurance, expected to shift £25bn a year from companies’ pockets into the Treasury’s hands by 2029-30.

Some business owners' personal finances will also have taken a blow. They will enjoy less generous tax reliefs when selling or passing on their businesses, as part of a set of changes to capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT). We look at what they can do to reduce the impact.

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