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Ride a small cap recovery wave

Simon Thompson on investment trust(s) poised for a small cap rally.
Ride a small cap recovery wavePublished on May 14, 2024
  • Impressive long-term track record.
  • Consistent returns over the cycle.
  • Focus on under researched small-cap space.

This below the radar small-cap investment trust has delivered a 20 per cent net asset value (NAV) return in the past 12 months, and more than trebled shareholders’ money in the past decade, yet, its shares are still priced on a 27 per cent discount to book value. It’s an incredibly harsh rating given the astute investment manager has proved adept at protecting shareholder capital during the UK market downturn and is now benefiting from more favourable market conditions.

The potential for portfolio gains and a narrowing of the wide share price discount to NAV is being woefully underestimated. For good measure there is another smart way to play the upside.

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