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Single-country funds to add to your portfolio

Funds that focus on just one country make sense for active investors who are comfortable with risk
Single-country funds to add to your portfolioPublished on October 11, 2024
  • Look for managers with a lot of local knowledge
  • Be prepared for volatility
  • We highlight some interesting single-country funds

Geographic diversification is a staple of all good portfolios. But you can attain it in many ways, from buying one or two global funds to using a different fund for each region. Or you can invest in funds that focus on individual countries.

Single-country funds are suitable for investors who are happy to keep a close eye on their portfolios. An MSCI All World tracker can be left untouched for years – the geographical split of your portfolio would still reflect the weightings of the global stock market. But with single-country strategies, you need to be aware of what is going on in each market and rebalance as required.

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