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John Baron: Four trusts to diversify away from stocks

Expert Portfolio: By all means enjoy the stock market rally, but enjoy it by being disciplined, our investment trust expert says
John Baron: Four trusts to diversify away from stocksPublished on July 24, 2024

My last column ('The trusts I'm using to ride the stock market rally') explained why, having turned positive on stock markets early last year, I was still positive about the outlook. This remains the case. However, it is important to maintain investment discipline to ensure portfolio balance is retained, and diversification is adequate to remit.

This is particularly so when financial goals are nearing. Rising markets can be seductive and distract from the task at hand. The journey is better enjoyed if it can be afforded. This helps to explain recent changes in both portfolios. Of course, the assets that add diversification can, and should, be good investments.


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