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Top 50 ETFs 2022

Dave Baxter unveils our latest list of low-cost portfolio building blocks
Top 50 ETFs 2022Published on July 7, 2022
  • We highlight the 50 ETFs providing the best targeted, cheapest and most efficient market exposures
  • From core holdings to inflation plays, the list covers all manner of options

This marks the ninth edition of the Investors’ Chronicle Top 50 ETFs list, highlighting the exchange traded funds (ETFs) we view as the most useful low-cost building blocks for an investment portfolio. We have once again chosen funds that track the most appropriate index, stick to a robust process and offer a combination of competitive pricing and good liquidity.

Of all the list's iterations, the 2022 edition has seen the least turnover from the previous year’s version, with just two changes versus an average of roughly 16 per year. We have also stuck with a structure introduced in 2019, with the list grouped into three sections that reflect how the ETFs in each might fit into a portfolio.

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