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Why it's time to buy back into European real estate

Property has had a tough time on the continent but with interest rates falling back, investors can take advantage
Why it's time to buy back into European real estatePublished on January 7, 2025

Britain still has a lot in common with its continental neighbours, at least as far as real estate is concerned. Trends such as homeworking, housing shortages and nearshoring have shaped markets across the channel, albeit in different ways.

Yet while investors are becoming more confident about the valuation of assets in Britain, they are arguably more cautious about the continent. In which case, why bother to invest? Well, to rework an old adage, the best time to buy is when everyone else has battened down the hatches. 

Summarising the investment opportunities available across an entire continent is no small task, so for now we will focus on two of the trends outlined above: changing working patterns and a shortage of residential properties. The third, companies looking to move manufacturing processes closer to home, is best tackled on its own on a separate occasion. 

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