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'Can we invest our way to £1.5mn and save the planet?'

Portfolio Clinic: Our readers want to be climate-conscious but are worried about reaching their financial goals. Holly McKechnie explores the options
'Can we invest our way to £1.5mn and save the planet?'Published on December 6, 2024
  • The climate breakdown concerns our readers
  • They have built an environmentally friendly portfolio, but it is too concentrated 
  • They also want to build a nest egg for their two young children
Reader Portfolio
Ted and Sylvia 40 and 38

Property, general investment account, Isas, pensions

  • Build up savings
  • Create a portfolio that aligns with environmental beliefs 
Portfolio type
Investing for growth

Making your money work for you does not always mean chasing the highest returns. With net zero targets for 2030 now just over five years away, it's understandable if environmental concerns are rising up your agenda. However, between greenwashing and poor performance, navigating ethical investing can be tricky. But with the right strategy, you can find a balance that works for you. 

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