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‘The yen will keep on going’: Paul ffolkes Davis of Rising Sun Management

Dave Baxter hosts the chairman of the Japanese-focused portfolio Nippon Active Value
‘The yen will keep on going’: Paul ffolkes Davis of Rising Sun ManagementPublished on October 15, 2024

In this episode of IC Interviews, Paul ffolkes Davis and funds editor Dave Baxter discuss the Japanese small and mid-cap specialist fund, which has proven to be quite fruitful for investors.

Find out why ffolkes Davis believes in the yen’s strength plus his thoughts on Japan’s macro trends, the big investment trust risers and fallers this year and more.


00:56 Japan and Yen strength 

4:49 Macro themes in Japan

7:40 Valuations

11:48 Activism 

18:10 Private versus public 

20:39 Corporate reform

23:55  Is there a cap for the trust

26:51 Recent activity in the portfolio

31:09 7/11 bid

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